Duurzaam & milieu is meer dan klimaat alleen

De afgelopen weken is er veel te doen over fouten in de IPCC rapporten. Dat geeft al aanleiding tot de roep om foutloze wetenschap, wat volgens mij een contradictio interminus is. Ik ben geen natuurwetenschapper, maar econoom. En juist daarom ben ik me er volledig van bewust dat iedere theorie en ieder model een versimpeling is van de werkelijkheid. Wat vandaag waar is, kan morgen achterhaald zijn. Dat is wetenschap.

Daarom is het goed om je te realiseren dat klimaatbeleid meer doelen kan dienen. Een aardig overzicht van voordelen van klimaatbeleid, die overeind blijven wanneer de theorie over klimaatverandering niet blijkt te kloppen boodt Colin Beavan vorig jaar al op No Impact Man. Zonder te beweren het met allemaal eens te zijn, hierbij de lijst. Waar mogelijk aangevuld met een link naar Europees of Nederlands onderzoek dat de genoemde voordelen ondersteunt.

  1. I am glad we created 5 million or more new jobs here in the United States in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable generation.
  2. I am glad we created a culture that relies less on foreign oil, so that our children can live secure lives, knowing that the energy rug can’t be pulled out from under them.
  3. I am glad we have found a way to save people and industry billions upon billions of dollars by making the use of energy more efficient.
  4. I am glad the millions of children who suffer from asthma can now breathe easier thanks to the fact that we aren’t pumping the air full of toxins from our exhaust pipes and smokestacks.
  5. I am glad that, by no longer burning oil and coal into our air, we’ve put an end to acid rain and the devastation of our aquatic life.
  6. I am glad that we created good, reliable, fun-to-use public transportation system so that families no longer have to raid their budgets to pay for cars and gas.
  7. I am glad we’ve stopped building suburbs, which make people unhappy and [thanks to the happy suburbanites who wrote in] are designed for cars not people, and instead build villages where people can have strong community bonds that help make life fulfilling.
  8. I am glad we now have fuel-efficient automobiles.
  9. I am glad that we’ve learned as a culture to get off the work-more-to-spend-more treadmill which gobbles up resources and leaves us unfulfilled and instead turned to a way of live full of meaning and purpose.
  10. I am glad we developed local, fresh food systems that care not just about filling bellies but what we put in those bellies.
  11. I am glad that we have rejected the philosophies of survival of the fittest and competition for resources as driving philosophies and have instead embraced a philosophy of compassion and justice.
  12. I am glad that we have understood that a sustainable society cannot work without supporting all of its people and that we looked for and found ways to improve the lives of everyone.
  13. I’m glad that we’ve come to see people rather than things as our most valuable resource and that, in embracing the respectful and loving principles of not wasting, we have learned not to waste youth in prisons but instead to get them help for their drug addictions and alcoholism.
  14. I am glad that, in realizing our resources are limited, we have come to use them to do what is important and to help each other rather than compete with each other.
  15. I am glad that we have come to see education as the ultimate in sustainable industries.
  16. I am glad that we have developed distributed, renewable energy technologies that allow kids in all parts of the world to have electric light so they can learn how to read.
  17. The list goes on and on, but in short, I am glad that we have embraced the opportunities presented by the crisis of climate change in order to improve our society in ways we should have done anyway.

Voor de maatschappelijke kosten en baten van verbetering van de luchtkwaliteit zie bv. dit rapport van CE Delft. Voor grondstofschaarste, zie bv. dit bericht op Cleantech.com of de berichten in de NRC van zaterdag 16 en vrijdag 22 januari 2010. Of lees een aantal van de inspirerende visies op een duurzame samenleving, waar ik gister een verzamelpost over publiceerde.

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  2. […] op milieugebied is energietransitie voor mij geen single issue, er zijn meer milieuproblemen dan enkel klimaatverandering. Verder schreef ik in 2015 al dat ik van gas af wilde, zodat Nederland warm houden geen reden meer […]


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